

Remote Area Nursing is one of the most challenging yet rewarding careers in healthcare. Nicolas, one of our experienced remote area nurses, shared how he started in remote nursing and what has kept him going. Read on to learn from his experience:   What got you into remote...

Want to elevate your well-being and mental health on Remote Area Contracts? Curious about real life case studies and the challenges of remote settings? Join us for an exclusive webinar hosted by SustainHealth & CRANAplus on May 15th at 18:00. Explore the latest insights and...

During these difficult times, it is important more than ever for us to prioritise our mental health and wellbeing. Even though mental health remains somewhat of a sensitive topic in the workplace, it doesn’t mean you should disregard it and work on getting through the...

The SustainHealth team would like to express our deepest condolences to those suffering in the current bushfire crisis. As a business, we support and promote the CRANAplus Bush Support Services, as the only national 24/7 psychological service specifically providing support to the rural and remote health...

SustainHealth is excited to announce our new, free e-book for all our candidates who are working in or considering working in rural and remote locations across Australia. Our new Rural and Remote Handbook is full of important information that will help you adjust to your surroundings...

This year, the SustainHealth recruitment team had the privileged of attending and hosting events alongside nurses and academics who attended the CRANA Conference, in the Hunter Valley. Our team attended the CRANA Gala Dinner and hosted our annual networking event at Harrigans Irish Pub, in the...

Women are Well Represented in Healthcare, Just Not at the Top! At SustainHealth Recruitment, we work across various health and wellbeing industries where women are generally well represented. We are proud to work directly with and engage with women on a daily basis to empower...