
August 2021

During these difficult times, it is important more than ever for us to prioritise our mental health and wellbeing. Even though mental health remains somewhat of a sensitive topic in the workplace, it doesn’t mean you should disregard it and work on getting through the...

Happy Birthday to us! Happy Birthday to us! A Birthday is a good time to reflect on the last year and look at key learnings, key achievements, moments you are proud of. But with the Olympic Games just finished (which usually comes around every 4 years)...

Flashback to early July, what a joy and a pleasure to be handwriting cards of #congratulations to three of our newly #promoted SustainHealth Recruitment #leaders. #Congratulations must go out again to, Amanda Quinn, Katie Doyle and Aoife Waters! Onwards, to even more exciting times ahead! ??? Very well...

SustainHealth recently reached out to our July Locum of the Month, Michelle who kindly agreed to be a part of the SustainHealth Candidate Experience Series and answered our questions in regards to her time working as a Midwife. It’s been wonderful working with Michelle and we...